Body Mind Connection

Body and Mind are strongly interconnected via the nervous and endocrine system. And the Science is clear: We can influence the Quality of our Mind by working with our Body. And vice versa. Here's how.

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citiscan result hand ok
... to relax ...

The function of the nervous system is to sense changes in the external & internal environment and to trigger responses. For instance, when the brain detects danger, it signals the Body to increase heart rate and blood pressure, preparing for action (fight or flight). In Modern Times, this function of the nervous system is often too easy triggered. Normally, we are not in a life-or-death situation. Our amygdala can chill a bit more. Therefore, it is often a good advice to use the Body to calm the Mind by simply using the breath: breathing slowly and deeply signals the brain that everything is okay, reducing heart rate, blood pressure, and stress level.

... and feel balanced

The endocrine system is important too. It controls mood, organ function, metabolism, and reproduction. For example, stress triggers the release of the hormone cortisol from the adrenal glands, which is useful in real danger. But in Modern Times, chronic stress is prevailing, leading to constantly elevated cortisol levels - with high health risks. But again: Using the Body will work wonders: we simply need to move: Exercise reduces cortisol in the blood. And it comes with a bonus: it releases the hormone dopamine, the mood & motivation booster.

Use the Body...

The nervous system transports signals between brain and body. The endocrine system uses chemical messengers: hormones. We can use both systems for our emotional well-being.

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