Clarifing Values

The meaning in life used to be „serving god“. Since religious belief has declined in Modern Times, many people are left in a „existential vacuum“ as the neurologist & psychiatrist Victor Frankl analyzed it. Meaning in life is the central motivational force and essential for psychological health and well-being.

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round white compass
Where to find Meaning?

Picasso summarized it like this: "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away". While meaning differs from person to person, it always is about serving something bigger than myself. And: Meaning is not found, it is created.

The building blocks of Meaning

Values reflect what matters most to us, while strengths are the skills and abilities we excel in. Combining both is essential to discover and apply our purpose. Scientific research suggests that individuals with a clear sense of purpose align their goals and actions with their core values.

Meaning = Happiness

Research suggests that having a meaning in life correlates with high life satisfaction, better health, and a longer life. Happiness arises as the by-product of purpose in life, says the neurologist Victor Frankl.

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"Those who have a why to live, can bear almost any how"

Friedrich Nietzsche